Allergies and Asthma: Is There a Connection?

allergy and asthma clinic

Allergies can be really very annoying, often occur during the seasons people love to spend time outdoors. Asthma is another troublesome respiratory condition that contracts the airways and makes it difficult for a person to breathe. Allergies and asthma are the most common chronic diseases in the United States. People have to visit allergy and asthma clinic to keep their allergy and asthma symptoms under control.

Allergies and Asthma

Many allergy and asthma patients are unsure whether or not there is connection between the two diseases. In fact, allergies and asthma are closely related to each other. People suffering from either disease can benefit from knowing both the conditions. Generally, allergies and asthma get triggered by same allergens and limiting the exposure to potential allergens can help for each disease.

Allergy induced asthma

The combination of allergy and asthma is known as allergic asthma or allergy-induced asthma. It is the most common asthma condition. Perhaps the first thing to know about allergic asthma is that there is a direct genetic connection between allergies and evolving asthma symptoms. If any of the parents have allergies, it is more probable that their children will also have allergies. It is common for people who have allergies from birth to develop asthma symptoms. So, family allergy history can be a warning sign of asthma.

Along with genetic warnings, there are many allergy triggers that can impact asthma, including but not limited to dust mites, pollen, spores, animal dander and mold. These allergens trigger allergy symptoms and they may cause symptoms of asthma to flare up as well. Thus, asthma patients should take care of dry and windy days, pollen count, surroundings and try to limit the time spent outdoors during allergy seasons.

There are a few treatments that can cure allergic asthma symptoms, but in general, most treatments are dedicated more on one of the two conditions. This makes allergic asthma treatment even more difficult. It may also be a good idea to consult with an asthma specialist about possible cure for each condition that will not cause any side-effect when taken in the combination.

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