Your Month-by-Month Guide to Allergies

allergy shots

If you have allergy during certain months of the year, you may think when you will get reprieve. Some people get allergies during spring, fall or winters, while other suffers from allergies throughout the year. People who suffer from seasonal allergies get relief during other months of the year, but people who constantly battle from allergens year around, have to rely on allergy doctors and allergy medications for allergy relief.

A Month-To-Month Guide For Your Allergies


January can be a troubling month for people who suffer from winter allergies. There will be less pollen in the environment, but indoor pollution can trigger allergy symptoms.


Mold and dust mites can trouble allergy sufferers during the month of February. However, February can be a tough month for asthma patients as well.


March is the month when pollen count rises. This month can be really very bad for spring allergy sufferers.


April is the worst month for pollen allergy sufferers. It is the month when pollen count increases exponentially. Allergy sufferers should spend more and more time indoors during the month of April.


Pollen count remains high during the month of May as well. Allergy and asthma patients should take their allergy medication for relief.


June is the grass-pollen month. Spring allergies get worse during June.


Spring allergies become somewhat manageable during July. Allergy sufferers can plan outdoor visits in July.


August is a bad month for people having allergies to mold spores. Summer allergy sufferers should remain cautious during hot, humid weather.


Call it late summer or early fall –September is not a great month for fall allergy sufferers. Depending on your geographical location, ragweed allergies can start in August or September.


Fall allergies can ease in October. But in warmer regions, fall allergies can linger into this month.


Pollen season usually ends by mid-November. Seasonal allergy sufferers can take bliss of outdoors in this month.


Christmas trees can make you sneeze and wheeze in December. However, you can take allergy shots to enjoy the festive month of December without any interruption of the seasonal allergies.

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