Allergy Doctor: 8 Things That Worsen Allergies

When you are suffering from seasonal allergies, you need to visit an allergy doctor. You also need to be cautious so that you don’t make the condition worse. There are a number of things you can do that can make the condition worse. These things include:

Failing to avoid allergy triggers

If you have had your allergy condition for a long time you most likely know the allergy triggers. It might be grass pollen, corn pollen, dust, or any other thing. For you to protect yourself you should take measures that will protect you from the allergy triggers.

There are plenty of things that you can do. One of the things is keeping your windows closed at all times during the allergy season. While open windows allow fresh air into the house, they also bring in pollen and other allergy triggers which worsen the condition.

When you close the windows, you block out all the pollen and allergy triggers hence you are safe all the time.

Eating the wrong fruits and vegetables

Certain fruits and vegetables have certain proteins that have been shown to make the condition worse. When you take the wrong fruits, you tend to suffer from a condition known as pollen-food allergy syndrome.

Here the immune reaction fools the body to think that it has been exposed to an allergen. As a result, you have a bad allergic reaction. Some of the most common foods that you should be aware of include: apples, carrots, almonds, peaches, plums, cherries, hazelnuts, nectarines, and many others.

For you to be safe, you should ask your doctor about the fruits and vegetables that you should avoid taking. If you have to take them, you should take them when cooked or without the skins.

Mowing when you are allergic to grass

If you are one of the unfortunate people that are allergic to grass, you should be cautious when mowing. This is because you are bound to make the condition worse. Regardless of how tall the grass is during the allergy season, you should avoid cutting it with a mowing machine.

If you have to cut it, consider hiring a professional to help you out. Also, consider getting a sublingual tablet that will help you fight the allergies.

Driving with the windows down

Just as you shouldn’t keep the house windows open during the allergy season, you also shouldn’t drive with the windows down. This is because you are bound to allow allergens in the car that will make your condition worse.

If the car is too hot, you should consider opening the air conditioner—don’t open the car windows.

Avoiding red wine

Red wine is sweet and almost everyone loves it. Unfortunately, it tends to contain sulfites that have been shown to bring about nasal symptoms. Regardless of how much you want to take the wine, you should avoid taking it so as to keep the allergy symptoms at bay.

Showering in the morning

No, you don’t have a worse condition when you shower in the morning. Allergy doctors recommend that you shower in the evening. This is because at this time you will be able to get rid of all the pollen that you might have collected outside.

By showering in the evening, you remove all of the pollen hence you have lower chances of making the allergy condition worse.

Rubbing your eyes

If you have been outside, chances are that you have pollen in your hands. In the event you rub your eyes with hands, you will be making the condition worse.

For you to be safe, wash your hands before you rub your eyes. You also should consider wearing sunglasses that will help you in keeping the pollen out of the eyes.


Many people suffering from allergies don’t seek allergy treatment. They simply get over the counter medications and go on with their lives. This is wrong as it often leads to them having a bad experience. In most cases, they take the wrong medications which leads to them experiencing worse conditions.

Regardless of how minor your allergies are, you should visit an allergy clinic Manassas VA where a doctor will undertake a series of tests and recommend the best medication for your condition.

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