Allergy Specialist Doctor: 9 Uncommon Food Allergies

food allergies

Many people know of the popular allergic foods: dairy, eggs, and nuts. According to allergy specialist doctor, any foods have the potential of causing allergies, so you should be cautious about them. Here are some of the uncommon foods that can cause food allergies:

Red meat

Meat from beef, pork, and lamb can bring about allergies that are often hard to identify. Allergies in red meat are often attributed to a sugar known as alpha-galactose. The exciting thing is that if you are allergic to a certain type of meat, you are more likely to be allergic to other kinds of meat.

For example, if you are allergic to beef, the chances are high that you will also be allergic to poultry and pork.

In children, most of those allergic to milk are also allergic to meat, so you should talk to your doctor and see whether you should test your kids on it.

Popular symptoms of meat allergies are: headaches and stomach aches.


The proteins found in avocados are often similar to those found in latex, so if you know you are allergic to latex, you should highly consider avoiding the fruits. According to doctors, if you are allergic to latex and you react to avocados, the chances are that you are also going to be allergic to papaya, tomatoes, kiwis, and bananas.


Corn allergies are one of the hardest to identify as they are similar to other food allergies. One of the ways of telling whether you are allergic to corn is to stay away from it.

You should note that if you are allergic to corn, to stay safe, you should stay away from all of its other forms. Don’t eat corn, whether it’s raw, cooked, in syrup, or in flour.


If you are allergic to marshmallows, you are most likely allergic to gelatin. This is a protein formed when you boil the connective tissues from animals. You will also find gelatin in chewy candies, gummy candies, and frosted cereals.


Like in avocados, a mango allergy is linked to latex allergy. There are also plenty of allergens in mangoes that cross-react with people allergic to pears, fennel, celery, apples, cashews, and pistachios.

Doctors report that many people allergic to mango skin also have severe reactions to poison oak, and poison ivy. This is due to the presence of urushiol, a chemical in all of these plants.

Citrus fruits

Acidic fruits such as lime and grapefruit cause itchiness of the mouth. In severe cases, they cause anaphylactic shock. The most popular signs of citrus fruit allergy include: hives, pale skin color, low blood pressure, and wheezing.

Sesame seeds

Data shows that only 0.1% of the US population lives with a sesame seed allergy. To avoid the allergies, avoid the seeds as much as you can. Luckily, you can easily spot sesame seeds in food and avoid them.

A problem comes in when you are dealing with packaged snacks, baked goods, and meals from Chinese restaurants, which are often made with sesame seed oils. Before you buy the processed foods, always check the cover, and ensure there are no sesame seeds.

When eating outside, let the chef know about your allergies. You will even be better off identifying a specific eatery that doesn’t use sesame seed oils and be loyal to them.


It’s a popular low-calorie diet food that tastes like crunchy water. Most of the people allergic to pollen are allergic to celery, where they develop rashes, hives, and other conditions. The reason for this is because celery, which is a root vegetable, has the same structure as tree pollen.

Hot dogs

Hot dogs are highly processed foods that some people are allergic to. The allergies often don’t result from the hot dog itself, but from the chemicals aimed at giving hotdogs an excellent taste and exciting pink color.

When to see a doctor

These foods are less likely to cause allergies, but when you notice symptoms, you should visit an allergy doctor Manassas VA as soon as possible. Some of the symptoms you should keep your eyes out for include:

Vomiting and diarrhea, difficulty breathing, hives or rash, cramping, dizziness, coughing, itchy or tingly mouth, and loss of consciousness.

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