Dealing With Asthma in Cold Weather

 asthma symptoms

Asthma symptoms vary season to season. Cold, dry air and weather changes can trigger asthma attacks. Cold weather aggravates asthma symptoms. Asthma patients should visit asthma clinic before the commencement of winter.  It is because asthma patients actually need more medicines during cold months. You can keep your asthma symptoms under control by ensuring that you have a regular asthma examination with your asthma doctor.

Cold Air Triggers Asthma

Cold air can be held responsible for triggering asthma symptoms, but respiratory infections can also cause asthma attacks in winters. In order to protect the lungs from cold air that can cause respiratory infections, you should warm up the air that you breathe.

Dealing with asthma during the winter is less about outdoor allergens like pollen, dust, mold or pollution, but more about poor indoor air. Indoor air quality becomes worse during winters. Closed windows and doors, prevent air circulation and promote indoor allergens. This is why asthma patients feel uncomfortable during winters, even when they stay at home.

Tips to Make Winter Easier on Your Asthma

To keep a handle on asthma attacks during the winters, here are few things you can do:

Wash your hands

Washing your hands with water and soap can avoid spreading germs. This simple task can save you from cold. Cold germs can later create asthma troubles. So, wash your hands properly and frequently.

Take your medication on time

Asthma patients should always take their medication on time. Work with your asthma specialist and make an effective asthma management plan. It is essential to follow your asthma management plan during winters. Do not let a busy schedule or work cause you to ignore your wellbeing.

Exercise indoors

As cold air can be extremely dangerous for asthma sufferers, asthma patients should exercise indoors during winters. The indoor temperatures are less likely to cause a problem.

Replace filters

Dirty indoor air is also harmful for asthma patients. Since, asthma patients like spending more time indoors, it is essential that they get cleaner air to breathe. Indoor air quality can be improved to a great extent by replacing air filters.

Important: The above mentioned information does not replace advice of asthma doctor. So, before making any changes in your schedule, consult with your doctor.


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