How to deal with asthma

asthma treatment

Nowadays, asthma is common more than ever. The good news is that it has also become easier to control and manage. Asthma is now a part of daily lives of many people, and there used to be a time when asthma annoyed and frustrated people. Asthma doctors are very well educating patients to manage their asthma symptoms.

Living with Asthma….

Asthma affects different people differently. It is because different people manage their asthma symptoms differently. Some fear that they might have to avoid workout and miss out on fun because of asthma, while others do the opposite extreme, they challenge asthma symptoms and deliberately avoid asthma medication. Well, both ways of managing asthma symptoms are not correct. It is because by taking asthma medication and making healthy lifestyle changes, it is possible to lead a normal life with asthma.

Cope With Asthma More Effectively

Keep necessary medications on-hand

Asthma inhaler is one of the most important parts of asthma medication. If you are an asthma patient, then never ever leave home without your asthma inhaler. Asthma attacks are unpredictable. So, you should always keep your inhaler with you.

Control pets

Animal dander can trigger asthma attack anytime. No matter how much you love your cat or dog, keep them out of your house.

Identify environmental triggers

Every asthma patient has different asthma triggers. It is important to identify your asthma trigger. The most common asthma triggers are mold, smoke, dust, dirt, animal dander and air pollution. Certain foods can also give rise to asthma symptoms. Asthma patients should know what trigger asthma symptoms in their body so that they can avoid that allergen.

Keep your surrounding clean

The best way to avoid collision with asthma irritants is keeping your surrounding clean. Here are some tips:

  • Remove your carpet and use wood, laminate or tile flooring. These floors are easier to clean.
  • Mop and vacuum on the regular basis.
  • Change AC filters in every three months.
  • Practice good pest control.
  • Wash stuffed toys and beddings in hot water.
  • Use dust-mite covers on pillows and mattresses.
  • Do not allow smoking in your home

Visit asthma clinic for routine checkups

Since asthma is an incurable disease, you are required to visit asthma clinic and follow your doctor’s instructions to manage your asthma symptoms.

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