Stages of Asthma

asthma clinic

Asthma is a chronic condition that inflames the airways in the lungs. This causes chest tightening, coughing, and breathing difficulties. According to the asthma specialists, there are 4 stages of asthma severity. It is not easy to live with asthma, but with correct treatment and precautions it is possible to live a trouble free life.

Various Stages of asthma

The classification of asthma is based on its severity, which is determined by lung function tests and symptoms. It is important to understand your stage to take the required measures, because asthma needs to be treated differently in different stages.

Stage 1: Mild Intermittent Asthma

Mild intermittent asthma symptoms usually appear less often. The attack starts gradually, caused by an infected air passageway. The smaller passageways get inflamed resulting slight coughing and light wheezing and breathing difficulty. Although the symptoms of asthma is not severe in this stage, it is highly recommend to not to ignore the symptoms. The earlier you opt for the treatment, the lesser discomfort you have to bear.

Stage 2: Mild Persistent Asthma

Mild persistent asthma symptoms appear once per week. This stage is more severe than stage 1, in stage 2 the airways muscles constrict resulting chest tightness and shortness of breath. Wheezing and coughing also occur.

Stage 3: Moderate Persistent Asthma

During Stage 3 asthma, the trigger affects the air passageways of the lungs get infected and inflamed. At this stage, the asthma attack is quite severe as the outside muscles tighten making the passageways narrow, allowing less air through. The passageway gets inflamed due to mucous, which makes them to narrow further. Breathing difficulties increase in this stage intensifies coughing and wheezing episodes. Asthma becomes very serious and troubling at this stage.

Stage 4: Severe Persistent Asthma

Stage 4 asthma symptoms are continuous. Recurrent episodes can be experienced during day and night continually, and can last for several days. The severe persistent asthma symptoms cause the increase the leukotrienes levels. These substances produce large quantities of mucous, which clog airflow. The airways in stage 4 inflame severely and can shut completely. Breathing is extremely difficult. It is very important to visit the asthma clinic and start the treatment as soon as possible.

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