Tips to Keep your Asthma Under Control

Asthma is a lifelong condition, but with simple home remedies, you can control asthma attacks. You need to work with the asthma doctor Manassas to come with a plan for optimal control of your asthma. Proper medication and the right home remedies will keep your asthma at bay. It’s essential to visit the allergy clinic for asthma treatment in case you experience allergy symptoms that may make your asthma worse. In this article, we tell you ways you can keep your asthma at bay.

Ways to Control Your Asthma

  • Identify triggers and avoid them

It’s essential to identify substances that cause symptoms such as wheezing and coughing. You need to be keen, and you can determine what is causing asthma attacks. Identify foods and drinks that could result in an asthma attack. If you any drug is causing your symptoms then you need to inform the asthma doctor. Odors from perfumes, hair sprays, cigarette smoke, and talcum powder may cause asthma attacks. If you smoke, you need to quit smoking. In case you encounter smokers change clothes and ask members of the family to smoke outside. Identify the allergens that trigger your asthma and avoid them.

  • Exercise

Regular exercise will help control your asthma. It’s important to establish the kind of exercise that will work for you. Before you begin the exercise make sure you discuss the exercise schedule with the allergy doctor. Some of the exercises may aggravate your asthma. Try activities that will not cause any harm. Exercises such as swimming, yoga, and biking are ideal if you have asthma. Make sure that you take the medication as prescribed by the allergy physician.

  • Take medication as prescribed

Don’t be tempted to skip medications when you are feeling better. You need to ensure that you take medication even when you feel ok. Make sure you manage your asthma every day.

  • Get an asthma action plan

It’s important to consult the allergy physician and get an action plan. Follow the action plan from the allergy doctor diligently. If your symptoms don’t improve make sure you consult the allergist.

  • Avoid viral infections

Colds and flu will infect the airways and lungs. Avoid catching viral infections, and you will have fewer asthma symptoms. Ways to avoid viruses;

  • Keep your hands clean
  • Get flu and pneumonia shots
  • Follow the action plan given by the allergy doctor

Allergy Proof your Environment

If you have allergies, it’s essential to make sure that you allergen-proof your environment. Exposure to the allergen will increase airways inflammation and make them susceptible to asthma. You need to reduce exposure to allergens. Below are some ways to reduce exposure to allergens;

  • Wash your bedding and pillows in hot water. Change beddings often.
  • Invest in an air purifier with a HEPA filter to keep the air clean and keep dust mites away. Keep the window locked to avoid dust accumulating in your house.
  • Use a dehumidifier to remove moisture and keep mold away from your house.
  • Vacuum your house often to avoid accumulation of dust
  • Keep pets away from the bedroom. If you have to keep pets, make sure that you keep it clean.
  • Avoid smoke zones. Quit smoking and if any member of your family smokes requests them to smoke far away from your house.

Be ready

Take medication as prescribed the allergy physician. Keep medication that can relieve your asthma nearby. Make sure that your family understands your asthma condition. If you are traveling, make sure you carry the asthma medication with you and find the location of the nearest allergy clinic. If you experience, asthma attacks often consult the allergy doctor specialist on what you need to do. Change your lifestyle to reduce asthma attacks.

Work with the asthma doctor and come up with an action plan to keep your asthma at bay. Make sure that you take the medication prescribed by the asthma doctor and follow the action plan. Its imperative that your family understands your asthma condition so that they know what to do in case of an attack. Consult the allergy doctor if your asthma attacks occur more often. Keep your house and the environment allergen free, and that will ensure that you keep your allergies at bay.


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