Allergy Specialist Doctor: Holiday Allergies And What You Can Do About Them

Like unwanted gifts, congestion and sneezing arrive dampening the holiday fun for allergy sufferers. According to allergy specialist doctor, indoor allergies get worse during the holiday season. And no, this isn’t because you are allergic to your extended family.

The reason for your allergies is because the house is closed up, there are more people in the house, the heater is running, and the pets are in the house most of the time.

Despite all these triggers being against you, there are a number of things you can do to combat them and ensure you aren’t sidelined from the festivities. Some of the things you can do include:

Clean the seasonal decorations

The fake Santa, the ornaments, and other decorations that give your home the holiday feel have been in the basement, garage, or attic for the past 11 or more months. These areas usually harbor a lot of dust and mold which are prime allergens.

When you remove the decorations and ornaments from their storage, wipe them with a damp cloth and store them in dry containers.

Keep dust mites under control

These microscopic allergens have been causing allergies since time immemorial. Dust mites are more problematic around the holiday season when the air gets damp and people are spending a lot of time in the house.

To keep dust mites under control during the holidays you should:

  • Change the air filters once every month
  • Wash your bedding in warm water once a month
  • Keep your home at a healthy humidity level. The best one is between 40 and 50%.
  • If you have the budget, invest in allergen-resistant covers for pillows and mattress

Stay away from fresh Christmas trees

No homeowner doesn’t want the fresh aroma of a freshly cut pine tree in their home. Unfortunately, the allergens in the trees trigger allergies that you might think you are allergic to the tree.

Christmas trees harbor allergy triggers such as pollen and mold spores that often settle on the trunk and branches. Tree sap and chemicals sprayed on the tree also trigger allergic reactions.

If you suffer from allergies, avoid fresh trees and go for artificial trees instead. If you aren’t willing to go this way, you can reduce the allergy symptoms by:

  • Wearing long sleeves and gloves when handling the tree
  • Before bringing the tree back into the house, rinse the tree with a garden hose and leave it outside in a bucket of water for a few days.
  • Cut down on the accumulated pollen and mold spores using a leaf blower

Avoid scented candles

A wooden fire and scented candles create a warm and cozy feeling in your home. Unfortunately, they release particles and gases that trigger mild to a severe allergy. Sometimes they even cause asthma symptoms.

If you have to light a fire, there shouldn’t be too many people in one room. This is to reduce your exposure to the smoke. You also should avoid burning candles.

Choose flameless LED candles instead that will create a flickering effect.

Use a room purifier to combat sprays

Since there are plenty of people visiting the house at this time of the year, you are bound to be exposed to plenty of spray smells which can trigger an allergic reaction.

If there is a family member using scented sprays, use a full-size room purifier that will get rid of the smell and even the smallest airborne allergens.

Use a HEPA vacuum to catch pet hair and dander

As mentioned above, one of the reasons you are suffering from allergies is because you are spending a lot of time in the house with the pets due to the cold weather outside.

The beloved dogs and cats harbor pet dander and outdoor allergens that cause allergic reactions.

For you to reduce your exposure, avoid coming into contact with pets that have just been outside. You also should invest in a HEPA vacuum that will clean the house and catch even the tiniest particles.

Whenever you come into contact with the pets, wash your hands and face as frequently as possible. You also should keep the floors clean. This is because the more the time the pet spends indoors, the more it leaves behind on the floor.

When to see a doctor for your holiday allergies

You will have a hard time controlling the allergies if you don’t know the allergens you are sensitive to. If you don’t know what is triggering the holiday allergies, visit an experienced allergy doctor Germantown MD to diagnose and treat the condition.

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