Allergy Clinic: Can You Develop Allergies Later In Life?

Picture this. You wake up one day, and you come into contact with something, and you start showing all the classic symptoms of allergy: nasal congestion, sneezing, coughing, sore throat, and others. You visit an allergy clinic, and the allergy doctor tells you, you have an allergy.

Can you develop allergies later in life? You wonder. The short answer is yes, you can develop allergies later in your life.

How can you develop allergies later in life?

To answer this question, we need first to understand how allergies come about. You are said to have an allergic reaction when your body reacts to a specific allergen. This can be pollen, food, mold, pet dander, or any other substance. In contact with the allergen, the immune system produces antibodies aimed at fighting the allergen.

When you develop allergies later in life, it’s often due to a change in the environment. You might have been exposed to a new allergen. For example, when you move to a new area with new plants, than you are used to or get a new pet.  You also might come across an old allergen but at higher levels than before.

It’s also common to develop an allergy to a chemical you are regularly exposed to. Long-term exposure to these chemicals can lead to loss of tolerance.

When it comes to food allergy, you can develop the allergy due to changes in the immune system (that weakens with age). When you are exposed to the allergens when your immune system is compromised, such as when you are pregnant or ill, allergy symptoms show.

Common adult allergies

Almost any allergy can develop later in life, but the most common ones that come about at this time are:

Seasonal allergies: Seasonal allergies result due to ragweed, pollen, or any other plant allergens. These allergies are common in spring or fall when the pollen count is high in the atmosphere.

Pet allergies: It’s common to develop allergies when introducing a new canine or feline friend to your family. Since you are coming into contact with new skin flakes or dander, it’s easy to start showing allergy symptoms.

Food allergies: It’s estimated that over 11% of adults in the United States suffer from one form of food allergy or another, with nearly half of them showing symptoms in their adulthood. Common food allergies people show are fish, tree nuts, peanuts, and vegetable pollen.

How are these allergies treated?

Your allergy doctor can treat allergies differently depending on the type of condition you are suffering from. The most common ways to treat the condition include:

Nasal sprays: These are medications that reduce the swelling of the nose. You can use them when having a stuffy, runny, or itchy nose.

Inhalers: Inhalers are medications inhaled into the lungs that open the airways. There are plenty of inhalers that include daily use and rescue inhalers that you use for emergencies.

Prescription antihistamines: Unlike before, you can get most of the antihistamines over the counter.

Allergy injections or immunotherapy: Allergy injections are a series of injections meant to desensitize your immune system to the allergens that trigger your allergic reaction. The goal of the treatment is to retrain your immune system, so it stops flagging the allergen as dangerous.  The therapy also decreases the frequency or severity of the allergy symptoms.

Can the allergies go away with time?

Yes, allergies can go away with time. Even when you develop the allergies as an adult, it’s normal to notice the symptoms begin to fade after some time. For example, if you develop the allergies in your 40s, they might start to fade as you approach your 50s, and the severity of the symptoms might go down as years go by.

When should you see an allergy doctor?

Some allergy symptoms are mild and don’t require the attention of an allergist Germantown MD. Most of the symptoms will go away with reduced exposure to allergens or taking medications. If you have waited for the symptoms to fade, but they don’t, it’s time to see a doctor. Seek medical help if you feel abnormally dizzy, your tongue or throat begins to swell, or start throwing up.

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5 Types Of Allergy Testing Allergy Doctor Can Recommend

If you are showing allergy signs, it’s recommended you visit an allergy doctor to review your symptoms and understand your medical history.

The doctor will perform a physical examination and based on the findings of the examinations and your medical history, the doctor will determine whether you need further testing. There are many types of allergy testing the doctor can recommend. The most common ones being:

Skin testing

The doctor will use skin testing to evaluate suspected seasonal or environmental allergies, stinging insect allergy, food allergy, and drug allergies. During testing, the doctor places the suspected allergen on the skin then reads the results after 15 minutes.

There are two main types of skin testing the doctor can recommend: prick and intradermal skin testing. In prick skin testing, the doctor places individual solutions containing the suspected allergens on the skin using a prick device.

In intradermal testing, the doctor places individual solutions containing the suspected allergens under the skin surface using a small needle. The doctor will recommend this test if they have done the prick test and turned negative but you have a history of allergies.

It’s up to the doctor to determine the type of skin test that is right for you, depending on your condition.

To prepare for testing, avoid all antihistamines and sleep aids containing antihistamines for at least 5 days prior to your appointment. The reason for this is because antihistamines are known to block positive skin test results making the results unreliable.

If you are positive to the administered allergen, your skin will appear raised and itchy, similar to a mosquito bite.

Blood test

Sometimes, in addition to the skin test you might require a blood test for the doctor to make a conclusion on the type of allergy you are suffering from. The doctor might also recommend the test in situations where allergy skin testing is inappropriate.

These might be situations where you can’t stop taking antihistamines or other medications that would interfere with allergy skin test results.

Your allergist will determine whether you need a blood test and after getting the results, they will interpret them depending on your medical history and other findings that will come up during evaluation.

Other than allergies, you can use blood tests to investigate other disorders such as angioedema, primary immunodeficiency disorders, and chronic urticaria (hives).

Patch testing

You use patch testing to screen substances when allergic symptoms develop within a few days after exposure to the allergen such as with the case of contact dermatitis.

During the test, the doctor applies patches containing different allergens to your back and leaves them there for 48 hours. The doctor then removes the patches and examines the skin for signs of a hypersensitive reaction. It’s also common for doctors to undertake a second assessment after 96 hours and after 7-10 days.

For best results, avoid water and moisture in areas the doctors are going to place the patches unless the doctor is going to place a special moisture-proof cover over the patches.

Challenge test

Doctors use challenge tests to identify triggers when a person’s allergy doesn’t produce a strong skin reaction. The doctor exposes the body to the allergen in its natural form, via a typical route, then monitors it for signs of reaction.

For example, if you are showing signs of allergy such as having hay fever, the doctor will apply a specific type of pollen to the nasal mucosa while monitoring you for sneezing, stuffy nose, and watery eyes.

If the doctor suspects you are allergic to a certain food, they will feed you the suspected trigger and monitor how your body reacts.

For the challenge test to be a success, you should not be showing any symptoms prior to the test. You should undertake the test in a reputable allergy clinic Germanton MD for the doctor to carefully supervise the process and ensure you don’t develop deadly allergic reactions.

Lung function test

This is used to screen for asthma. During the test, the doctor will ask you to breathe deeply then forcefully exhale quickly while blowing into a device that measures your lung function. For consistent results, you should repeat this process at least 3 times.

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Allergy Specialist Doctor: 7 Everyday Things You Can Be Allergic To

When people hear the term allergy, they think about pollen, dust, peanuts, or pet dander. Did you know you could be allergic to every day, lesser-known materials? Here are everyday things you can be allergic to as given by an allergy specialist doctor:

Cell phones

Cell phones have nickel, a common cause of allergic contact dermatitis. When you are exposed to nickel, you experience reactions that occur 24-48 hours after exposure and they appear as an itchy rash in the exposed area.

To fix the issue, avoid exposing yourself to the cell phone. Also consider using soothing lotions, topical antihistamine creams, and corticosteroid creams in severe cases. When you use the right product, the rash takes two or more weeks to clear out completely.

Pants buttons

The buttons on your favorite pair of pants might be the source of your allergies due to the presence of nickel. If you wear low-rise underwear, you can expose your skin directly on the button, and you end up with a little, circular red rash.

To avoid this allergy, make it a habit to wear a layer between your pants and your skin. For example, you should tuck in your shirt. If you don’t like this, consider painting over the back of the button with clear nail polish.

Soaps and detergents

If you wash your clothes and your hands develop unexpected irritation, you could be suffering from irritant contact dermatitis. When this happens, you should note it’s not because the skin has an allergic reaction, but rather because it’s directly irritated, leading to loss of normal barrier skin function and painful rash.

You should treat irritant dermatitis the same way you treat contact dermatitis.


Wool is itchy, but if you are sensitive to lanolin, you can have a stronger reaction to apparel and blankets made from wool. If you are allergic to lanolin, you should know you can also find lanolin in lip balms, cosmetics, ointments, and shampoos.

To protect yourself, be ultra-cautious when making the purchase and only buy items labeled lanolin-free.

Food flavorings

While everyone loves them, you might be allergic to certain food flavorings. In most cases, the allergies show up in ethnic cuisines. For example, the fish stew might be flavored with shellfish, which can be extremely risky for someone with crab or shrimp allergy.

To avoid putting your life in danger, if you know you have any type of food allergy, ask whether a certain food has the ingredients you are allergic to before you take it.


Everywhere you read, you are encouraged to exercise to look younger and live long, but did you know you could be allergic to exercises? These allergies are characterized by exercise-induced anaphylaxis that comes about as a result of the failure of the body to split protein.

As a result, the body temperature goes up as you are working out, and you experience rashes, shortness of breath, throat swelling, and in some cases, angioedema.

Now that you are allergic, should you stop exercising altogether? Absolutely, not. You can still be healthy even when you are suffering from exercise allergies. What you need to do is to choose a more relaxing and calmer training—for example, substitute cardio with yoga.

You also should avoid foods rich in protein, especially before exercising.


Condoms are meant to protect you from diseases, but ironically they can make you sick. People that are allergic to condoms are those that are allergic to latex. While in most people, the allergy is simply a rash or an itch, in some people, the allergies are too extensive that some people suffer from anaphylaxis. This life-threatening condition includes difficulty breathing and swallowing.

If you are allergic to latex and condoms as a whole, you should consider using synthetic rubber or lambskin that won’t put your life in danger.

Take care

These are some of the things you can be allergic to without even knowing. As mentioned, the best way to protect yourself is to avoid the items as much as you can. You can treat most of the allergies using over the counter medications but if you have tried treating them without success, visit a reputable allergy doctor Germantown MD who will diagnose the condition and recommend the best treatment.

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6 Ways To Stop Seasonal Allergies As Given By Allergy Specialist


Seasonal allergies come with congestion, runny nose, sneezing, and other symptoms many people want to get rid of as soon as possible. When the season strikes, many people wish for the symptoms to go away as quickly as possible. What if I told you it’s possible to do it? Here are tips given by allergist specialist on how to go about it:

Identify your triggers

Everything begins here. When you know substances you are allergic to, you can easily protect yourself against them. Once you know your enemies, the next move should be to avoid them as much as you can. How do you do this?

Stay indoors: When it’s dry and windy, stay indoors. Only go outside after a good rain that is known to clear pollen from air.

Hire a contractor: Pollen and other allergens are known to attach themselves on weeds and grass. To avoid coming into contact with them, let a contractor handle the gardening work. Let the professional do the lawn mowing, weed pulling and other tasks.

Keep laundry inside the house: This isn’t the time to hang your laundry outside as it will come into contact with allergens. To protect yourself, hang it inside.

Wear a pollen mask: If you have to go outside, wear a pollen mask. When buying the mask, ensure it’s designed for pollen.

Keep indoor air clean.

While there is no magical product to keep indoor air clean, there are several suggestions that might be of help. They include:

Use the air conditioning of your house and car and ensure its working optimally.

If you have forced-air heating or air conditioning, use high-efficiency filters and follow regular maintenance schedules.

Make use of a portable high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter in your bedroom.

Clean the floors regularly using a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter

Use a dehumidifier to keep indoor air dry.

Try medications

Did you know there are plenty of medications you can use to treat your condition? Some of the medications  you can use to ease your symptoms include:

Decongestants: Decongestants provide temporary and often instant relief from nasal stuffiness. They come in different forms, including nasal and oral sprays. While the products are effective, avoid long term use of nasal sprays as they have been shown to worsen the symptoms.

Antihistamines: Antihistamines come in handy at relieving itching, sneezing, watery eyes, and runny nose. Some of the popular antihistamines you can use include: loratadine, fexofenadine and many others.

Combined medications: Some allergy conditions are so severe you have to use a combination of medications. For example, you have to combine decongestants and antihistamine. One of the most popular combinations you can have is a mixture of fexofenadine-pseudoephedrine and loratadine-pseudoephedrine.

Reduce your pet contact

Cats and dogs are cute, and as a pet lover, you want to cuddle them all the time. Unfortunately, you can’t do it when the allergy season is on. Pets love staying outdoors where they can collect pollen and transport them into the house. You also risk coming into contact with the allergens when you hold the pets.

To protect yourself, reduce your contact with the pets. If you have to stay with your pets, keep them from going outside. In the event, they go outside by mistake, bathe them immediately and wipe them.

Rinse your sinuses

There is no easier way that relieves nasal congestion as fast as rinsing the sinuses. Doing it directly flushes out mucus and allergens, leaving you feeling fresh and comfortable. To do it you need a saline solution and squeeze bottle.

After rinsing your nose, remember also to rinse the irrigation device and keep it sterile.

Try out natural remedies.

Don’t like conventional treatment methods? There are plenty of natural treatment options to choose from. The most popular remedies are extracts of the shrub spirulina and butterbur.

While some people cite acupuncture as highly effective at getting rid of seasonal allergies, there is little evidence that it works. We wouldn’t recommend you to go this route unless more research is done on it.

You should note that alternative treatment methods aren’t for everyone. To be safe, always get the go-ahead from a reputable allergy doctor Germantown MD.

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What Will A Skin Allergy Doctor Do?

An obvious sign of skin allergy are rashes. If you have tried getting rid of the rushes without success, you should see a skin allergy doctor.

What will a skin doctor do?

When you visit an allergy clinic, the doctor will take your medical history and get to understand your condition. If you developed the condition after brushing up against something, the doctor will diagnose the condition as contact dermatitis.

You might have come into contact with latex, perfume, or jewelry.

If the doctor feels the condition might be due to brushing into something, he will ask you to get a patch test. Here the doctor will place a patch on you that has plenty of allergens that can cause an allergic reaction.

When you have the patch on, you shouldn’t shower or bathe as the patch has to stay dry. You also should avoid sweating to keep the patch dry. This calls for you to avoid engaging in extraneous exercises such as running or going to the gym.

In rare cases, the doctor will undertake a blood test or biopsy. For a biopsy, the doctor will take a small skin sample for testing.

In some cases, the doctor may recommend against skin testing if:

You have had a severe allergic reaction: You might be extremely sensitive to certain substances such that even the tiniest amounts of skin tests could trigger anaphylaxis or any other life-threatening condition.

You are taking medications that could interfere with the test results: The most common medications that can interfere with the results are: antidepressants, antihistamines, and heartburn medications.

The doctor will determine whether you should continue taking the medications or temporarily discontinue them in preparation for the skin test.

You are suffering from certain skin conditions: Are you suffering from psoriasis, eczema, or any other condition that can affect large areas of your skin such as your arms or back? The doctor may recommend against the skin test as you don’t have enough clear, uninvolved skin to undertake an effective test.

How does the doctor treat skin allergies?

To come up with a treatment plan, the doctor relies on the test results. A positive skin test means you are allergic to a given substance where bigger wheals indicate a greater degree of sensitivity.

A negative skin test means you aren’t allergic to an allergen.

As the doctor undertakes a skin test, you should note that they aren’t always accurate. Sometimes they give false positive or skin testing may not trigger a reaction when you are exposed to something you are allergic to.

If having reactions in a small area, the doctor may prescribe a steroid cream. Follow the doctor’s instructions on how to put it on. Don’t apply more cream than advised as you can end up hurting yourself.

To get the most from the cream, put it on and after a bath or shower. If your reaction covers a large area, your doctor may suggest steroid pills and antihistamines.

In addition to taking the medication, you should avoid the allergy trigger, especially if you have hives or swelling beneath the skin.

Sometimes even after testing, the doctor can’t tell the cause of the condition. In such a case, he may recommend over the counter or prescription antihistamine pills. If there is nothing about the allergy treatment Germantown MD  you don’t understand, ask your doctor to clarify it.

What should you look for when hiring an allergy doctor?

For peace of mind you are working with the right professional, you should consider plenty of factors such as:

Board certification: Is the allergist you are looking to hire board-certified? When doing your research, ensure the professional is certified by the American Board of Allergy and Immunology. A board-certified professional is one that has completed a fellowship and passed tests.

Specialty: Since you are suffering from a skin allergy, you want a professional who specializes in skin allergies. Avoid a general physician as they might misdiagnose your condition.

Personality: Is the professional fun to be with? When you are suffering from allergies, you are going to meet the doctor regularly, so you need a professional with a great personality that will be fun to work with.

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Allergy Specialist Doctor: 9 Uncommon Food Allergies

food allergies

Many people know of the popular allergic foods: dairy, eggs, and nuts. According to allergy specialist doctor, any foods have the potential of causing allergies, so you should be cautious about them. Here are some of the uncommon foods that can cause food allergies:

Red meat

Meat from beef, pork, and lamb can bring about allergies that are often hard to identify. Allergies in red meat are often attributed to a sugar known as alpha-galactose. The exciting thing is that if you are allergic to a certain type of meat, you are more likely to be allergic to other kinds of meat.

For example, if you are allergic to beef, the chances are high that you will also be allergic to poultry and pork.

In children, most of those allergic to milk are also allergic to meat, so you should talk to your doctor and see whether you should test your kids on it.

Popular symptoms of meat allergies are: headaches and stomach aches.


The proteins found in avocados are often similar to those found in latex, so if you know you are allergic to latex, you should highly consider avoiding the fruits. According to doctors, if you are allergic to latex and you react to avocados, the chances are that you are also going to be allergic to papaya, tomatoes, kiwis, and bananas.


Corn allergies are one of the hardest to identify as they are similar to other food allergies. One of the ways of telling whether you are allergic to corn is to stay away from it.

You should note that if you are allergic to corn, to stay safe, you should stay away from all of its other forms. Don’t eat corn, whether it’s raw, cooked, in syrup, or in flour.


If you are allergic to marshmallows, you are most likely allergic to gelatin. This is a protein formed when you boil the connective tissues from animals. You will also find gelatin in chewy candies, gummy candies, and frosted cereals.


Like in avocados, a mango allergy is linked to latex allergy. There are also plenty of allergens in mangoes that cross-react with people allergic to pears, fennel, celery, apples, cashews, and pistachios.

Doctors report that many people allergic to mango skin also have severe reactions to poison oak, and poison ivy. This is due to the presence of urushiol, a chemical in all of these plants.

Citrus fruits

Acidic fruits such as lime and grapefruit cause itchiness of the mouth. In severe cases, they cause anaphylactic shock. The most popular signs of citrus fruit allergy include: hives, pale skin color, low blood pressure, and wheezing.

Sesame seeds

Data shows that only 0.1% of the US population lives with a sesame seed allergy. To avoid the allergies, avoid the seeds as much as you can. Luckily, you can easily spot sesame seeds in food and avoid them.

A problem comes in when you are dealing with packaged snacks, baked goods, and meals from Chinese restaurants, which are often made with sesame seed oils. Before you buy the processed foods, always check the cover, and ensure there are no sesame seeds.

When eating outside, let the chef know about your allergies. You will even be better off identifying a specific eatery that doesn’t use sesame seed oils and be loyal to them.


It’s a popular low-calorie diet food that tastes like crunchy water. Most of the people allergic to pollen are allergic to celery, where they develop rashes, hives, and other conditions. The reason for this is because celery, which is a root vegetable, has the same structure as tree pollen.

Hot dogs

Hot dogs are highly processed foods that some people are allergic to. The allergies often don’t result from the hot dog itself, but from the chemicals aimed at giving hotdogs an excellent taste and exciting pink color.

When to see a doctor

These foods are less likely to cause allergies, but when you notice symptoms, you should visit an allergy doctor Manassas VA as soon as possible. Some of the symptoms you should keep your eyes out for include:

Vomiting and diarrhea, difficulty breathing, hives or rash, cramping, dizziness, coughing, itchy or tingly mouth, and loss of consciousness.

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8 Allergy Relief Tricks As Given By Allergy Specialist Doctor

Allergy Specialist Doctor

Also known as hay fever, seasonal allergies get worse when the weather warms up, and trees, weeds, flowers, and grasses spew pollen into the air. According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, 80% of those suffering from seasonal allergies report being less productive. As a result, the condition costs the U.S economy up to $700 million a year in lost work.

When you are suffering from allergies, you are uncomfortable and want the condition to go away as soon as possible. The cool thing is that it’s possible to get fast relief and you go back to your normal life. Here are fast relief tips as given by an allergy specialist doctor:

Block out the allergens

The number one move is to keep the allergy triggers outside. During the pollen season, keep the windows shut. You also should run the air conditioner on the “recycle” setting and filter the indoor air.

The setting traps any particles that might have snuck into the house. To ensure that the air conditioner is functioning optimally, rinse or replace the air filters at least once every two weeks.

Exercise indoors

If you lead an active lifestyle, it might be tempting to go out jogging. Don’t do this as you will worsen the condition. Instead, come up with ways to exercise indoors. Instead of jogging outside, get an exercise DVD and watch it in the house while exercising.

If you have to go jogging, do so early in the morning when the pollen count is low. Avoid doing it mid to late afternoon as, at this time, the count is exceptionally high.

Wash the clothes more frequently

Once you are back from the walk or jog, shower and change into a clean set of clothes. You should then toss the old clothes into your hamper or laundry. Also, clean the sheets at least once a week on a hot cycle. Heat the water to 140 degrees, and you will kill all the allergens, including dust mites and pollen.

Drink warm beverages

When you are suffering from allergens, you have increased mucus production, sore throat, and coughing. Studies show that inhaling steam can thin the mucus and relieve allergy symptoms. You get the same relief when you eat or drink hot liquids such as tea, soup, and broth.

In addition to taking hot food and drinks, also consider holding your head over a hot, steamy bowl of water until it cools. You can also run a hot shower and sit in the steamy bathroom. Some people don’t like hot liquids. If you are one of these people, drink cool or room temperature drinks that will thin the mucus.

Have a healthy bedtime routine

Having a healthy bedtime routine can go a long way towards relieving the allergy symptoms. When you go to bed, wash the allergens from your hair and face, so they don’t rub off on your pillow and irritate your eyes and nose.

At the very least, clean the eyelids with soap or baby shampoo.

Watch the pets

If you have dogs and cats that go outdoors, they can collect pollen in the fur and transport it into the house. To avoid the effects, keep the pets from the bedroom and furniture. Also, consider bathing the pets more frequently or wipe them when they come from the yard with a pre-moistened cloth.

Put on a mask when handling outdoor chores

When you are in your yard or garden, minimize your exposure by wearing a surgical mask. When buying the mask, be on the lookout for one marked N95. This way, you are sure that the mask meets the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health standards by filtering out 95% of particles.

Know your triggers

When you know your enemies, you are in a better-placed position to protect yourself. If you don’t know the allergens you are allergic to, visit an allergy doctor Germantown MD who will undertake a series of tests and let you know what you are allergic to. The doctor will also recommend the best treatment regimen, especially if the allergies are severe.

For you to get the best diagnosis, work with highly experienced and certified professionals.

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Skin Allergy Doctor: 5 Types Of Skin Allergies You Should Know About

Skin allergies can be brought about by all types of materials ranging from shampoos to food. Telltale signs you have the allergies are rashes, itching, swelling, raised bumps, cracked skin, and redness.

Regardless of the causative factor, you should visit a skin allergy doctor to diagnose the condition and recommend the best course of action.

Did you know you could be suffering from different types of skin allergies? Here are some of the most common types and their treatment options:


Also known as atopic dermatitis, eczema comes about when the skin doesn’t retain enough moisture and gets dry, itchy, and inflamed. It’s also common for the skin to get scaly and cracked. In severe cases, you might develop tiny “bumps” under the skin containing clear or yellow liquid.

Most of the people are born with the condition, but others develop it in early childhood, often due to exposure to allergens or harmful chemicals.

When acquired in childhood, most children outgrow it, but a few retain it throughout adulthood.

To treat the condition, you need to supply the skin with sufficient moisture. You also should keep the skin clean and avoid scratching the affected areas. Applying steroid creams, topical creams, emollients, and cortisone creams on the affected areas go a long way.

Heat rash

Also known as prickly heat, heat rash comes about when you are exposed to warm temperature, but the sweat ducts are blocked and unable to release heat.  As a result, the skin gets inflamed, leading to red, itchy bumps.

Research studies report that the blocking of the sweat ducts is due to a biofilm produced by the staphylococcus bacteria found on the skin. Although, the condition is common in summer, it’s not uncommon for it to also occur in winter.

Most of the affected are adults, but it also comes about in babies due to overdressing or underdeveloped pores. If you come into contact with someone suffering from the condition, don’t be worried as isn’t contagious.

In most cases, the condition goes away by itself, but it’s wise you work at reducing it. You can do this by avoiding wearing tight-fitting clothing. Staying away from the sun will reduce the inflammation.

It’s also recommended you avoid scented body lotions and scrubs as they have been shown to irritate the skin.


This is a rare skin condition that you will find in about 5% of the people. Dermatographia, also known as skin writing, comes about when the mast cells in the skin produce too much histamine. The histamine is released when you stimulate or apply pressure to the skin.

As a result of the high histamine production, the skin gets inflamed, and itchiness comes about. The skin inflammation is categorized as white or red inflammation.

The condition lasts one or two years, but in rare cases, it lasts forever. You can treat the condition using antihistamine or by applying a cold compress to the affected areas hence reducing the swelling.


Just like dermatographia, hives produces raised wheals in the skin. The wheals are of different sizes and are often accompanied by itchiness occurring on the arms and legs.

The body produces the hives when the mast cells of the skin produce excessive amounts of histamine. Sometimes fluids leak into the bloodstream, causing anaphylaxis.

The treatment for the condition is similar to that of dermatographia. You can treat hives using antihistamines as well as steroids. You can also get some relief from scratching the affected surfaces. A cold compress can also be of significant help.

To reduce breakouts, reduce the intake of alcohol and junk foods.

Contact dermatitis

You develop contact dermatitis when your skin comes into contact with an allergen or irritant. Due to the contact, you suffer from blisters, rashes, burning, and itching. The most common irritants are: fabric softeners, shampoos, soaps, and laundry detergents.

It’s easier to prevent the condition instead of treating it. So you should avoid the triggers that you know of. In most cases, the condition goes away by itself, but if the symptoms don’t go away after some time, consult an allergy specialist doctor Manassas VA who will diagnose it and give some medication—usually oral medications or steroid creams.

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Skin Allergy Doctor: What Do You Know About Skin Allergy?

skin allergy doctorRed, bumpy, itchy skin is not only painful, but also irritating. When you develop any of the above signs, you are said to be suffering from skin allergies and you need to see a skin allergy doctor.

What causes skin allergy?

The condition can be brought about by up to 3,700 allergens, but if we can narrow them down to the most common ones, they are:

Fragrances: These include lotions, perfumes, and other products that smell good.

Nickel: This is the metal you find in zippers, belt buckles, jewelry, and bra hooks. According to experts, this metal is one of the leading causes of contact dermatitis.

Latex: Latex is natural rubber, and you will find it in many products such as baby bottles, balloons, condoms, and disposable gloves.

Ingredients in household products: Did you know your skin can react to common metals and preservatives? The skin will react to antiperspirants, cosmetics, sunscreens, cleaners, and even hair dye.

Antibiotic creams: Most over the counter antibiotic creams have been shown to bring about skin allergies. Two of the most common culprits are: bacitracin and neomycin.

Skin allergy types

Did you know there are many types of allergic skin conditions? If you aren’t sure of the one you suffer from, visit an allergist who will observe the condition or even undertake a battery of tests and let you know what you are suffering from.

The most common skin allergy conditions are:

Eczema: Also known as atopic dermatitis, eczema affects between 1%-3% of adults and 10%-20% of children. When suffering from the condition, you have dry, red, itchy skin. In some situations, the affected skin develops fluid-filled bumps that ooze a clear liquid.

Although, experts don’t know what leads to it, studies show that people with eczema often have a family history of allergies.

The condition is triggered by plenty of allergens, with the most common ones being animal dander, dust, and cleaning products.

Contact dermatitis

This is a reaction that comes about when the skin comes into contact with an allergen or irritant. When suffering from contact dermatitis, you tend to have blisters, rash, itching, and sometimes burning.

The condition is brought about by many factors such as soaps, shampoos, fabric softeners, laundry detergents, and even excessive exposure to water.

Exposure to certain metals, nail polish, adhesives, latex gloves, and certain plants has been shown to bring about the condition.

Sometimes the allergen won’t trigger an allergic reaction until your skin is exposed to sunlight. When having this condition, the condition is known as photoallergic contact dermatitis.

It’s common in certain products such as sunscreen, shaving lotion, and certain perfumes.


Also known as urticaria, hives feature red bumps on the body. When the condition lasts for less than six weeks, the condition is known as acute urticaria, but when it persists beyond six weeks, it’s known as chronic urticaria.

Acute urticaria often comes about due to an infection or exposure to an allergen. Experts are yet to know the cause of chronic hives.

Heat rash

Heat rush comes about when your skin is exposed to warm temperatures while the sweat ducts are blocked so they can’t release sweat. Due to the blocking of the sweat ducts, there is inflammation of the skin and formation of red, itchy bumps.

Heat rash can happen both in the summer and winter. You will also find it in babies where they come about due to overdressing or underdeveloped pores.

In most cases, heat rash goes away by itself.

When suffering from it, keep your body cool and avoid tight-fitting clothing and friction. You also should stay away from the sun to reduce inflammation.

It’s also recommended that you avoid scented body lotions and scrubs as they are known to cause skin irritation.

How can you prevent skin allergy?

The best way of preventing the allergy from coming about is to steer clear of the allergens. When you visit an allergy clinic Manassas VA, the doctor will let you know the allergens you are allergic to. You should stay away from them.

Most skin allergies fade on their own, but you can speed up the healing by using calamine lotion and hydrocortisone creams. You can also soak your skin in oatmeal or milk bath.

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Allergy Specialist Doctor: Holiday Allergies And What You Can Do About Them

Like unwanted gifts, congestion and sneezing arrive dampening the holiday fun for allergy sufferers. According to allergy specialist doctor, indoor allergies get worse during the holiday season. And no, this isn’t because you are allergic to your extended family.

The reason for your allergies is because the house is closed up, there are more people in the house, the heater is running, and the pets are in the house most of the time.

Despite all these triggers being against you, there are a number of things you can do to combat them and ensure you aren’t sidelined from the festivities. Some of the things you can do include:

Clean the seasonal decorations

The fake Santa, the ornaments, and other decorations that give your home the holiday feel have been in the basement, garage, or attic for the past 11 or more months. These areas usually harbor a lot of dust and mold which are prime allergens.

When you remove the decorations and ornaments from their storage, wipe them with a damp cloth and store them in dry containers.

Keep dust mites under control

These microscopic allergens have been causing allergies since time immemorial. Dust mites are more problematic around the holiday season when the air gets damp and people are spending a lot of time in the house.

To keep dust mites under control during the holidays you should:

  • Change the air filters once every month
  • Wash your bedding in warm water once a month
  • Keep your home at a healthy humidity level. The best one is between 40 and 50%.
  • If you have the budget, invest in allergen-resistant covers for pillows and mattress

Stay away from fresh Christmas trees

No homeowner doesn’t want the fresh aroma of a freshly cut pine tree in their home. Unfortunately, the allergens in the trees trigger allergies that you might think you are allergic to the tree.

Christmas trees harbor allergy triggers such as pollen and mold spores that often settle on the trunk and branches. Tree sap and chemicals sprayed on the tree also trigger allergic reactions.

If you suffer from allergies, avoid fresh trees and go for artificial trees instead. If you aren’t willing to go this way, you can reduce the allergy symptoms by:

  • Wearing long sleeves and gloves when handling the tree
  • Before bringing the tree back into the house, rinse the tree with a garden hose and leave it outside in a bucket of water for a few days.
  • Cut down on the accumulated pollen and mold spores using a leaf blower

Avoid scented candles

A wooden fire and scented candles create a warm and cozy feeling in your home. Unfortunately, they release particles and gases that trigger mild to a severe allergy. Sometimes they even cause asthma symptoms.

If you have to light a fire, there shouldn’t be too many people in one room. This is to reduce your exposure to the smoke. You also should avoid burning candles.

Choose flameless LED candles instead that will create a flickering effect.

Use a room purifier to combat sprays

Since there are plenty of people visiting the house at this time of the year, you are bound to be exposed to plenty of spray smells which can trigger an allergic reaction.

If there is a family member using scented sprays, use a full-size room purifier that will get rid of the smell and even the smallest airborne allergens.

Use a HEPA vacuum to catch pet hair and dander

As mentioned above, one of the reasons you are suffering from allergies is because you are spending a lot of time in the house with the pets due to the cold weather outside.

The beloved dogs and cats harbor pet dander and outdoor allergens that cause allergic reactions.

For you to reduce your exposure, avoid coming into contact with pets that have just been outside. You also should invest in a HEPA vacuum that will clean the house and catch even the tiniest particles.

Whenever you come into contact with the pets, wash your hands and face as frequently as possible. You also should keep the floors clean. This is because the more the time the pet spends indoors, the more it leaves behind on the floor.

When to see a doctor for your holiday allergies

You will have a hard time controlling the allergies if you don’t know the allergens you are sensitive to. If you don’t know what is triggering the holiday allergies, visit an experienced allergy doctor Germantown MD to diagnose and treat the condition.

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